Magic Mirror?Carrying a beautiful employee to patrol the shop, the boss stops the car and touches his chest and kisses


The boss of the cram school touches the breast and kisses the young woman in the car, Keelung After investigation by the prosecutor’s office, he was charged under the Sexual Harassment Prevention and Control Act. Schematic. (Data photo)

2021/10/10 01:11

〔 Reporter Lin Jiadong / Keelung Report] Seeing the young female employee’s good-looking appearance, the boss took advantage of her complaint and waited for the opportunity to flirt, touch her chest and kiss her mouth. After investigation by the Keelung District Prosecutor’s Office, the female employee’s accusation was accepted and the sex boss was prosecuted under the Sexual Harassment Prevention Law.

Prosecutors investigate that a married man in his 40s with the surname Cai is the boss of an American language chain cram school in Keelung; the female employee who accused the boss of sexual harassment Only more than 20 years old, sweet-looking.

The female employee alleged that at the end of September last year, Cai Nan drove her to the branch and parked the car by the side of the road and reached out to touch her chest. , Kissed her again, she fought hard to no avail, so angry that she got out of the car and hitchhiked back to the cram school.

The female employee went home to complain to her mother, and her mother went to the electric cram school to ask the teacher about the crime. Cai Nan quickly explained that it was a “misunderstanding” and would give the woman The employee explained. However, the female employees did not wait for a response and reported the incident to the police.

Cai Nan denied the allegations after arriving at the case, claiming that the female employee confided to him that he was wronged at work, so he parked the car by the roadside to listen to her. Complaining and constant comforting, only touching her face, neck and head, never kissing or touching her chest.

However, the prosecution adopted the female employee’s accusation after investigation and prosecuted Boss Cai for violating the Sexual Harassment Prevention Law.

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