VISIT TO WASTE WORKERS FROM KILIÇDAROĞLU: “Everyone should have a vaccination job, everyone should lead a good life”

Photo: CHP

Cumhuriyet People’s Party (CHP) Chairman Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu is in Ümraniye, which has been under constant raids for the last week and more than 200 of whom have been detained.

Visiting CHP Istanbul Provincial Chair Canan Kaftancıoğlu and recycling workers who make a living by collecting waste paper in Ümraniye, Kılıçdaroğlu said, “Kemal is your brother. first of all, he is with the poor, he is with those who shed their sweat”.

CLICK- Waste collectors : Are you the governor of the poor or your companies?

Just struggle

After the workers stated that the Istanbul Governorship had a directive on solid waste collection, Kılıçdaroğlu said that the Governor’s office could not take such a decision alone, He stated that there must be an instruction. Kılıçdaroğlu stated that they will investigate the issue and inform the workers, stating that taxes cannot be collected from the workers who work with wages. They can provoke, do something else, confiscate your property, do not enter into a private conflict. He may show your just struggle differently. You should be very careful about it. They collect paper from the garbage, how do you describe these people as thieves?”

CLICK – Waste Collector Hamza: They Pretend We Are Not On The Street

Organization and association not only of those in Istanbul, but also of waste collectors in Izmir and Ankara. Kılıçdaroğlu stated that the union will bring “strength”.

Preliminary study from Çankaya Municipality

Noting that they are conducting a study on the working conditions of waste collectors, Kılıçdaroğlu said:

“Çankaya Municipality is doing the preliminary work, we will spread it all over Turkey. You will collect it easily, you will have social security, you will work in peace, no one will interfere with you. A study is being carried out, we will get the first results from that study, then all our mayors across Turkey will do it. You will all work, you will all win, and no one will come and interfere with you. There is, how do we liquidate them, how do our men come and settle, they are calculating this. Everyone should have a vaccination job, everyone should lead a good life.”


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