Poll: Majority of the Unvaccinated Say They Will Not Get the Jab

A quarter of Americans indicated that they either are not getting the vaccine for the Chinese coronavirus, or they are not sure, and a majority of those who remain unvaccinated say they will not get the shot, a Yahoo! News/YouGov survey released this week found.

The survey, taken October 1-4, 2021, among 1,640 U.S. adults, asked respondents to describe their “personal situation” regarding coronavirus vaccines.

A majority, 64 percent, said they are fully vaccinated, while six percent said they are in the process of getting vaccinated and five percent said they are planning to get vaccinated. However, a quarter of Americans at least expressed hesitancy. Of those, 15 percent said they will not get vaccinated, and another ten percent said they are “not sure” about getting vaccinated.

The survey also asked the unvaccinated, specifically, if they plan to get the shot. Sixty percent said “no,” they do not plan to do so, and one quarter said they are “not sure.” Only 15 percent said “yes,” they plan to get the shot.

The survey also asked unvaccinated respondents to name the “most important reason” for not getting vaccinated. A plurality, 40 percent, said they “don’t trust the COVID-19 vaccines.” Another ten percent said they already had the virus and are therefore not worried about getting it. Eight percent cited breakthrough cases among the vaccinated, and the same percentage said they are not worried about catching the virus. Five percent cited not having easy access to vaccination.

The survey shows that, over the months, the percentage of Americans who are refusing to get vaccinated has generally remained unchanged, despite the administration’s vaccine blitz.

An Economist/YouGov survey released in August indicated that unvaccinated Americans will not be easily persuaded to get the jab — not by mandates or pleas from elected officials.

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