Climate-friendly yet luxurious: Rolls-Royce wants to (again) build electric cars

Das 2011 vorgestellte Modell Rolls-Royce 102 EX war nicht für die Produktion bestimmt

The Rolls-Royce 102 EX model presented in 2011 was not intended for production

Photo: Rolls-Royce

After almost all major car manufacturers have their own division for electric cars , the British luxury manufacturer Rolls-Royce get involved in the market. The long-established company would like to present an electric car over the next ten years. The company writes in an announcement that they are consciously relying on a fully electric drive.

The company management does not want to commit to an exact date . The car will only come onto the market “when the time is ripe and every element meets the technical, aesthetic and performance standards of Rolls-Royce”.

Already in 2011 Rolls-Royce presents its first “research vehicle”: the 102 EX model has water-cooled power electronics instead of an internal combustion engine and two electric motors with a total of 394 hp. The model has a 640 kilo battery pack in the former engine compartment. However, this model was never intended for series production.

Charles Rolls auf einem »Columbia Electric Carriage«, einem elektrischen Fahrzeug aus dem Jahr 1897

Charles Rolls on a Columbia Electric Carriage, an electric vehicle from 1897

Photo: Science & Society Picture Library / SSPL / Getty Images / Rolls-Royce

At that time, the company’s management was still undecided as to whether the car of the future would have a hydrogen, hybrid or electric drive. In the current announcement, however, it sounds as if there was never any doubt about it.

The electric drive is, so to speak, in the tradition of the automobile manufacturer. “In April 1900, our founding father, Charles Rolls, made a forward-looking prophecy about the electrification of the automotive industry,” muses Torsten Müller-Ötvös, Chairman of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars.

At that time, Rolls said in an interview that electric cars were noiseless and clean, but initially had no future because there were no charging stations would. After more than 120 years, the time has come, says Müller-Ötvös. “Now our company wants to embark on the historic undertaking to finally build the first electric super-luxury car.”

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