The Weeknd Named Goodwill Ambassador For The United Nations Food Programme In The Fight To End World Hunger

#Roommates, The Weeknd is well-known for topping the charts and racking up awards for his music, but his latest honor involves giving back to those in need. In a recent announcement, The Weeknd was officially named the latest Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Food Programme to stop hunger around the world.

@People reports, earlier this week, the United Nations Food Programme formally named The Weeknd the latest Goodwill Ambassador who will use his incredibly large platform to advocate for the end to world hunger. Every year, the program offers food assistance to over 100 million people in more than 80 countries across the world.

Speaking about the honor, The Weeknd stated, “The U.N. World Food Programme is doing urgent and important work to change and save lives on a daily basis and I feel passionately about addressing world hunger and helping people in need. Our partnership is an authentic extension of all our efforts and intentions to help those in need and bring an end to so much suffering.”

Additionally, David Beasley, Executive Director of the U.N. World Food Programme, also expressed his happiness to have The Weeknd on board. “We are thrilled to welcome The Weeknd to the WFP family. His compassion and commitment to helping the world’s hungriest people is truly inspirational. Every night, 811 million people go to bed hungry, and another 270 million are marching toward starvation. This is just not right and we have got to speak out and act today to save lives. We need everyone to come join our movement to end hunger – it is all hands on deck to avoid a global catastrophe.”

Just last year, The Weeknd donated over $3 million to various charitable organizations, including a $1 million contribution to the U.N. World Food Programme’s relief efforts in Ethiopia, where his parents are from. Keep up the good work!

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