The UK will reward the woman who helped to detain the participants in the fight in the Moscow metro

Head of the Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin decided to award the departmental medal “For Assistance” to a woman who witnessed the beating of a passenger of the Moscow metro Roman Kovalev. This was reported on the website of the UK.

The incident occurred on the evening of October 4 on the Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya metro line. One of the passengers made a remark to the aggressive drunken company. Roman Kovalev, 25, stood up for her and was severely beaten. The video of the beating was caught on camera and circulated on social media. The attackers – three natives of Dagestan – were detained.

The woman was not at a loss and first of all pressed the panic button on the train. Despite the fact that she could have suffered herself at the hands of an aggressive company, she rushed after them from the car and pointed out the intruders to the law enforcement officers. Her actions allowed law enforcement officers to detain accomplices in hot pursuit.

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