Court declares Austrian Airlines reimbursement clause to be invalid

The Lufthansa subsidiary Austrian Arlines (AUA) has lost a consumer lawsuit in court because of a contractual clause on flight price reimbursement after flight cancellations. The clause is not legally admissible, said the Association for Consumer Information (VKI) on Wednesday with reference to a judgment by the Higher Regional Court Vienna (OLG). According to the VKI, the AUA referred to the said clause after passengers requested a refund of their ticket costs after cancellations due to the corona pandemic. For the time being, no comments were received from Austrian Arlines.

The clause can be found in the General Conditions of Carriage for Passengers (ABB) at both AUA and the parent company Lufthansa and is referred to as a so-called reimbursement restriction note. This states that reimbursements will only be made to the people who have paid for the ticket. According to the VKI, complaints were mainly made by people who had booked via online platforms. Often these are booking portals that are based abroad and are often difficult to access.

“The ruling means that the AUA will no longer be able to refuse direct reimbursements to passengers with reference to this clause,” said VKI lawyer Maximilian Kemetmüller. How the airline will react to the judgment is open. “The court has set a three-month deadline for implementation, by then the deficiency must be remedied,” said Kemetmüller. The association advises passengers who were affected by such a cancellation to re-assert their claims against the AUA with reference to the judgment. The lawyer was unable to name how many passengers are affected. The complaints that the VKI received mainly occurred in spring 2020 when numerous flights were canceled due to the corona pandemic.

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