YouTube broadcaster analyzes the cause of the fusible capacitors of ASUS Z690 Hero motherboard and smoke

According to a report by Tom’s Hardware, a broadcaster named Buildzoid in a YouTube channel called “Actually Hardware Overlocking” has discovered that A backward capacitor on the ASUS ROG Maximus Z690 Hero motherboard caused it to melt. Since then, Asustek acknowledged the problem in an article on its website and plans to distribute replacement products to customers of affected motherboards.


Z690 Hero motherboard problem started not long ago in ASUS support On forums and on Reddit, users experienced almost the same problems. Users reported that their motherboard started to smoke in the same place: the two MOSFETs (metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors) and Q- next to the DIMM slot. CODE error code reader.

In a video on his channel, Buildzoid diagnosed the problem with pictures posted on the support forum and on Reddit. He took the Z690 Hero’s The fault is attributed to the backward capacitor installed next to the MOSFET, not the MOSFET itself. Buildzoid carefully studied the picture of the motherboard and pointed out that the text on the capacitor is actually upside down. This is a potential sign that it is incorrectly installed. An upside-down capacitor can cause polarity reversal, causing MOSFETs to malfunction and burn.

After reports about the problem began to gain attention, ASUS confirmed that Buildzoid’s diagnosis was in fact correct. ASUS announced: “During our ongoing investigation, we have initially identified a potential memory capacitor reversal problem during the production process of a production line, which may cause debugging error code 53 or damage to the motherboard components,”. “This problem may affect the equipment produced in 2021 with a part number of 90MB18E0-MVAAY0 and a serial number starting with MA, MB or MC.”

The company said that users can find the serial number and part number of the Z690 Hero on the side of the motherboard package and on a sticker placed on the top or bottom of the motherboard itself. In another article on the Asus Facebook page, the company added a link to a tool that can confirm whether it is affected by the issue based on the serial number of the Z690 Hero.

“In the future, we will continue to conduct thorough inspections with our suppliers and customers to identify all ROG Maximus Z690 Hero motherboards that may be affected on the market , And will cooperate with relevant government agencies to carry out a recall and replacement plan,” ASUS said.

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