Sanremo: Jovanotti, an accident but there is Gianni at the Festival

‘ Lorenzo we are in trouble, I think I made a mess, I was wrong, I have this hand that when I use my mobile phone confuses the keys … ‘”: Jovanotti writes it on Instagram, author of the song Open all doors with which Gianni Morandi will be competing at the next Sanremo Festival, commenting on the incident of the video finished on the web, with a piece of the unpublished and secret song in the background, for which the artist risked disqualification.
“And nothing, the rest many of you will have read around.
However after a day and a night of hands in hair, it was resolved in the best way. It was an accident, @sanremorai Gianni is there !!!! Today – writes Jovanotti – we delivered the piece #apritutteleporte to the record company, produced by the great @mous stigram that gave a fantastic sound and Mr. Morandi sang it as he does.
All the musicians involved are exceptional and happy to play for a legend. Gianni in 2022 celebrates 60 years from his debut and 50 from his first #sanremo but it will still be a fantastic first time! @giovanna_e_amadeus @dalia_gaberscik # èstatalamanodigianni “.


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