DEATH: Laerte Gomes laments the death of former state deputy

Deputy Laerte Gomes lamented the death of former state deputy, Aurindo Vieira Coelho, which took place in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. In addition to being a member of parliament, he was also secretary of State for Public Works, during the Osvaldo Piana government.

See text:

Note of regret

It is with sadness and deep regret that we receive the news of the death of civil engineer Aurindo Vieira Coelho, 67 years old, in Belo Horizonte (MG ). He found out two months ago that he suffered from bowel cancer, and was undergoing treatment in the capital of Minas Gerais.

Aurindo Coelho was state deputy for Ouro Preto do Oeste from 1990 to 1994, being the 9th most voted by the PSC, with 3,198 votes, leaving the Legislative Assembly to assume the position of Secretary of State for Public Works, in the management Osvaldo Piana.

He was also part of the first team of engineers at the Department of Highways in Rodagens (DER), was an effective member of the Union of Civil Engineers of the State of Rondônia and Municipal Secretary of Works in Ouro Preto do Oeste.
He has always been a dedicated professional and while deputy worked for the microregion of Ouro Preto. Aurindo Coelho leaves behind a wife, three children and six grandchildren. The wake is scheduled for Tuesday morning (14), in Ouro Preto do Oeste.

We pray to God to receive you into His kingdom and to comfort family and friends in this time of pain.

Laerte Gomes (PSDB)
State Deputy

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