Delight: The most perfectly synchronized moment in the history of the Champions League (VIDEO)

Наслада: Най-перфектно синхронизираният момент в историята на Шампионска лига (ВИДЕО)

Photo: Getty Images

29 Sep 2021, 17:23 Наслада: Най-перфектно синхронизираният момент в историята на Шампионска лига (ВИДЕО) 244

Yesterday (Tuesday) – September 28) the first battles of the second round of the group stage were played in Champions League . The matches offered a lot of emotions, spectacle, long-awaited moments and shocking surprises SEE ALL ).

The supporters from Great Britain, who watched the clashes from the most prestigious European club tournament, witnessed the definition on social networks as “the most synchronized moment in the history of the competition” case.

The action took place at half time of the matches, while some of the players were on the field and warming up. And the main actors were the players of Borussia Dortmund and RB Leipzig – Emre Can and Amadou Haidara, respectively, although the yellow and blacks played against Sporting Lisbon in Dortmund, and the “bulls” against Bruges in Leipzig.

The TV cameras showed the warm-up of the teams and at one point the pictures of these two stadiums were next to each other. and with startling timing “the ball ended up” at Jan’s feet. See the impressive match in the video below.

And here how all the Champions League matches for the day ended

he just passed the ball across Germany😭😭 – davO ♦ ️ (@LFCdavO) September 28, 2021 Tags:

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