Huancayo: former head of investigation against organized crime arrested

El superior PNP Ricardo Romero Calderón fue interceptado en la sede del  Departamento de Investigación de Robo de Vehículos (Deprove) Huancayo, en la región Junín,  donde se encontraba laborando hace 25 días.

PNP superior Ricardo Romero Calderón was intercepted at the headquarters of the Vehicle Theft Investigation Department (Deprove) Huancayo, in the Junín region, where he was working 25 days ago.

14:09 | Huancayo, Jan. 5.

Agents of the Civil Servants Anti-Corruption Police, led by the anti-corruption prosecutor Rodrigo Mera Palomino; They arrested the former head of the Huancayo Department of Investigation against Organized Crime, PNP superior Ricardo Romero Calderón, and PNP superior (r) César Augusto Maraví Manrique.

The superior Romero was intercepted at the headquarters of the Vehicle Theft Investigation Department (Deprove) Huancayo, in the Junín region, where he was working 25 days ago . The judicial resolution issued today against him provided for his preliminary detention for three days and search with dismissal, registration of his home for the purpose of seizing property.

“It is a particular case, in an investigation that he apparently led there was an alleged crime of bribery and for that reason the Prosecutor’s Office has presented a Preliminary detention request to the judge, and I suppose the magistrate has valued, that is why he has been granted the limiting measure of the right of preliminary detention, “explained the head of the Junín Police Region, PNP Colonel César Ramos.

It is known that, in his capacity as head of Depincco – Huancayo, in the month of October 2021, through cash police officer César Maraví Manrique, would have requested the sum of 20,000 soles in order to provide information to one of those investigated, about a reserved investigation against officials and public servants who are members of the alleged criminal organization Los Patrones de Quichuay.

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The proceedings were completed by order of the head of the first office of the Office of the Special Prosecutor for Crimes of Corruption of Officials of Junín; while Superior Romero was temporarily removed from the position until the investigations are completed.

The suspect was taken to the jail of the Millotingo police complex, in Huancayo, at the same as the senior PNP in retirement situation César Augusto Maraví, who was also arrested at his home.

More in Andina:

?? The Ministry of Housing ( @casaperu ) inaugurated the potable water and sanitation project that will benefit 300 residents of the Esperanza town center in the Nueva Requena district, Ucayali region.

– Andean Agency (@Agency_Andina) January 5, 2022


Released: 5/1/2022

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