Blockage on the vaccination pass in the Assembly: the majority castigates “the friendly of the irresponsible” | The HuffPost

POLICY – If some doubted it, the truce of the confectioners is well over. The oppositions refused, Monday evening January 3, to continue to examine the bill transforming the health pass into a vaccine pass until the end of the night .

A surprise suspension, loudly greeted on the Republican benches or rebellious France, which will probably derail the timetable for the final adoption of the text by the parliament initially planned for the end of the week. Something to rejoice the deputies fiercely opposed to the government’s strategy, like Jean-Luc Mélenchon or Julien Aubert … And make the majority fulminate, trapped by elected coalition officials.

On social networks or in the media, many are the heavyweights of the macronie to castigate “the irresponsibility ”of the oppositions, of the Republicans in particular.

For Attal, the oppositions “succeeded” their “coup”

For Gabriel Attal, “last night we saw a form of friendship of irresponsibility being formed with the deputies of La Insubordinate France, of the National Rally and LR deputies. ” The goal? “Take a procedural step to try to derail the schedule for the adoption of the vaccine pass,” complained the government spokesman on Tuesday, January 4 on France Inter,

But if the oppositions “obviously succeeded” their “coup”, ”obviously we will go to the end of the examination of this text and we will aim for the timetable which was foreseen”, he added. explained, by promising to “do everything to keep as closely as possible to the schedule that was planned”. Until then, the government aimed for entry into force on January 15.

Same words, or almost, for Christophe Castaner. “Some make irresponsibility the cement of their alliance of circumstance,” thus lambasted the boss of LREM deputies to the Assembly on social networks, a few minutes after being defeated at the Palais Bourbon. Her colleague, Aurore Bergé, denounced “a very mediocre little circumstantial alliance” or “unworthy”, “in view of the stakes”.

After two weeks of suspension, the oppositions refuse to continue to sit after midnight.

Some are irresponsible the cement of their alliance of circumstance.

We, we remain steadfast.
Our priority: the health of the French .

– Christophe Castaner (@CCastaner)

January 3, 2022

Unworthy. A small circumstantial alliance that is very mediocre in terms of the stakes.

To sit, including whole nights, all the deputies are ready. Except when there is a presidential election in a few weeks and there has to be a buzz.

– Aurore Bergé (@auroreberge) January 4, 2022

Target Republicans

In this concert of critics, The Republicans seem to be particularly targeted by the tenors of the majority. Gabriel Attal, who considers the joy expressed by recalcitrant deputies “quite shocking”, considers that the attitude of certain LR deputies “aims to hide what clearly seems to be great internal turbulence over the past”.

“We heard Éric Ciotti, Valérie Pécresse, say in the media that they supported the vaccination pass”, and Monday evening in the hemicycle, “we saw the deputies LR and Aurélien Pradié, spokesperson for Valérie Pécresse’s campaign, vote against the vaccination pass. So one wonders who to believe ”, thus noted the spokesperson of the government, calling on the candidate of the right to“ clarify his position ”.

Invited by BFMTV on Tuesday, the Minister of Transformation and Civil Service Amélie de Montchalin also denounced “the duplicity” and “the irresponsibility” of the elected officials in question. “Either Madame Pécresse does not hold her troops, or it is called duplicity”, she thus proclaimed, adding: “you have a government which assumes, which has its hands in the grudge (…) and you have in front of you an opposition that is ready for all excesses, united for one thing, and that is to have power. ”

In this context, the opposition accuses the majority of amateurism, arguing that it has failed to gather its troops to prolong the discussions until the end of the night.

Also on Le HuffPost: Véran evokes the vaccination of Jean-Luc Mélenchon and creates controversy

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