Small tornado in Kiel whirls people into the Baltic Sea

Seven people are injured, three of them apparently seriously. Fire brigade and paramedics are on site.


In Kiel on Wednesday evening a windpipe washed several people into the water. According to a police spokesman, the tornado hit the port city at around 6 p.m. Several row boats were hit. Seven people were injured, three of them apparently seriously, as reported by the «Kieler Nachrichten» . Fire and rescue services were on site with around 60 emergency services.

So you know the wind here – but something like that? # Windhose # Kiel

– Philbert (@ Philber16564957) September 29, 2021

Offshore rowers tried to save other rowers from the water. According to reporters for the “Kieler Nachrichten”, they were surprised by the weather phenomenon. Some were injured by flying parts. Others were apparently whirled into the water by the force of the wind or thrown to the edge of the quay.

According to an initial analysis of «Kachelmannwetter» acted the weather phenomenon is a type 1 tornado. This apparently came “out of nowhere”. There was no specific warning, said a police spokesman in a video interview with local reporters. An eyewitness reports in the same video that the wind storm rushed from the water onto the land. Apparently he also swept through the inner city of Kiel and triggered several fire brigade operations. Several roofs were covered in a new development area.

You can see the development quite well on the Kiel webcams. # Kiel # tornado

– Wetter-Wache (@WetterWache) September 29, 2021

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