Lily Collins Had a Surprise Encounter With Princess Diana as a Toddler

Lily Collins had some impactful interactions with Princess Diana and Prince Charles when she was just a toddler. During an appearance on The Late Late Show With James Corden earlier this week, the Emily in Paris actor opened up about the hilarious incidents that she will never forget. And now, neither will we. 

In the interview, James Corden pulled up a photo of a young Collins with the Princess of Wales, and Collins spilled the tea. In the image, a two-year-old Collins appears to be handing Princess Diana a bouquet of flowers. “I have been told that this is what happened,” Collins said. “I’m giving Diana flowers, and the second she went to take them, I then tried to pull them back. So, as you can imagine, all the air was sucked out of the room. But then again, I was wearing a cute dress, so who’s going to really punish me?”

Apparently, Lily Collins’s run-ins with the British royals didn’t stop with Princess Diana. She also shared a story about her interaction with Prince Charles, the queen’s son. “I was also told that when I was younger, I was playing with some toys with Prince Charles,” she said. “And I proceeded to kind of throw something at him, like throw a toy telephone at his head, which again, all the air was sucked out of the room,” she quipped. Collins said this also happened when she was about the same age as she was during Flowergate. 

“Were you just hanging out with the royal family all the time at this point?” James Corden said.

“My dad did a lot with the prince’s trust, and I grew up in Britain, so I’m British,” Collins said. 

“I didn’t know they were so into Genesis,” Corden quipped. 

You can watch the full interview, below:

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