Live Champions Night – United (1)

Wednesday, September 29, 2021 – 20:28

wrote: FilGoal


Cristiano Ronaldo – Manchester United and Villarreal provides live and direct coverage of the matches of the second round of the European Champions League.

Manchester United x Villarreal

To follow the match minute by minute click here

The end of the match with a fatal victory for United by two goals to one.

S90 5: Gooooooooooooool Ronaldo scores the second deadly goal for United.

S70: A shot from Greenwood saved by Villarreal goalkeeper. United with a superb shot on the bird.

S56: A powerful shot from Bruno Fernandez went outside the field.

S53: Gooooooool first to Villarreal through Alcacer with a shot from inside the penalty area.

The start of the second half.

The end of the first half was a goalless draw.

45 S: A creeping shot from Yeremi Bino was saved by De Gea.

S43: Oh my goodness, Moreno almost scored an own goal after a wrong distraction of a long pass from Pogba.

S 34: A shot from Bruno Fernandes was scattered by Villarreal’s defense.

S 31: A fatal mistake by Varane in dispersing the ball and Alcacer took advantage of the situation and hit a creeping ball, but it passed a little near the United goal.

S21: Villarreal’s attack continues and Moreno’s powerful shot came after a corner kick from the left side, but his shot went far above the goal. Villarreal.

S15: De Gea shines again and deprives Danjuma of a goal with a shot with the sole of the foot from inside the penalty area.

S6: De Gea shines and deprives Villarreal of a first goal with a shot From Danjuma.


Salzburg X Lille

The end of the match with a 2-1 victory for Salzburg.

s 62: Juul Leil reduces the score through Burak Yilmaz.

s 53: Juul Karim Adeymi scores the second goal for Salzburg.

The start of the second half.

The end of the first half, with Salzburg leading with a goal without a response. *)


Wolfsburg x Seville

The end of the match in a positive tie with one goal for the same.

S 87: Jool Rakitic equalizes with a penalty kick for Seville.

S 86: Joshua Guillavog was sent off after receiving two yellow cards.

The start of the second half.

The end of the first half was a goalless draw.

The game started.

Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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