Pop-Star posted Photos

Pop-Star posts photos | Britney Spears pulls blank again

Mit Emojis, Hand und Haaren verdeckt die spärlich bekleidete Sängerin ihre Intimzonen Photo: Instagram / @ britneyspears

“src=” data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 “width=” 1280 “>

The sparsely covered with emojis, hand and hair clothed singer her intimate areas Photo: Instagram / @ britneyspears

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Los Angeles (USA) – She enjoys her freedom (s) …

Only wearing white hold-ups and a collar, pop superstar Britney Spears (40, “Baby On e More Time ”) now to her Instagram fans.

“Free female power has never felt better,” she comments on her naughty snapshots. The singer strategically covered her left nipple and genital area with emojis: a little heart for the bottom, a flower on her chest.

Immer wieder präsentiert sich die 40-Jährigen ihren Fans splitternackt Photo: Instagram / @ britneyspears

“src=” data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 “width=” 1280 “>

Again and again the 40-year-old presents herself stark naked to her fans Photo: Instagram / @ britneyspears

Almost 1.5 million followers were happy about the current “revelations” of the 40-year-olds.

After the almost nude recordings, she pampers her followers with a video in which she poses in front of the camera in her new bathing suit. “My fiancé likes him, I’m not so sure,” she writes.

Whether she shows her regained independence n want? In November a US court lifted the guardianship of father Jamie (69) over the singer after 13 years.

This decision has nothing to do with your nudes. Because Britney showed her followers several times before that she has nothing to hide …

The current BILD bestseller list: The TOP 20 book titles of the week!

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