„The Masked Dancer“ -Star!

“The Masked Dancer”: First reveal! | This firefly is a Broadway star!

Article from: Nora Henze published on

She was already buzzing through the whole world …

After the “Masked Singer” successes, the dancing shoes were unpacked on Thursday evening!

For “The Masked Dancer” a snappy sole in costume is put on the floor, seven disguised celebrities have to be recognized by their dance style and various clues.

Absolutely not an easy one Task for the jury around moderator Steven Gätjen (49) and Alexander Klaws (38), who brought the “Masked Singer” veteran Ruth Moschner (45) into the team as a guest judge. In addition, two new costumes were announced that had remained secret until the start of the show: the shaggy and the sheep.

Hinter der Maskerade verbirgt sich Musical-Star Ute Lemper (58)! Photo: Rolf Vennenbernd / dpa

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Behind the masquerade: Musical star Ute Lemper (58) Photo: Rolf Vennenbernd / dpa

While the colorful shaggy teased with crazy dances and the sheep even fell after his dance, the firefly remained very romantic, looking at the moon and a falling star in his clue film and said: “I can sparkle in the dark. I love to enchant you!”

After his waltz perfo rmance, the jury was left perplexed – but a certain professionalism could not be denied. Steven Gätjen gave the first tip: “I thought it was Palina. Because she is a gymnast and ballet dancer. “

Wer steckt im Schafskostüm? Die Jury tippt u.a. auf Moderator Jörg Pilawa und Komiker Paul Panzer Photo: ProSieben / Willi Weber

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Who is in sheep’s costume? The jury picks moderator Jörg Pilawa or comedian Paul Panzer Photo: ProSieben / Willi Weber

Alexander Klaws was also still in the dark, but was then able to benefit from a new rule: A joker may be used in every show, either a voice decoder, which reveals the real voice for a brief moment, or an evidence decoder, which decodes a hint.

Klaws decided on the Voice- Decoder. Ruth Moschner immediately recognized: “This is a person who has a warm voice.” She tapped Natascha Ochsenknecht (57): “I noticed these pink gloves.” Alexander Klaws puzzled further and recognized by the voice: “For me is she is also a tad younger “- and snubbed Ruth, who asked piqued:” When I was, or what? “

Jury-Mitglieder Ruth Moschner (vorn) und Alexander Klaws Photo: Rolf Vennenbernd / dpa

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Jury members Ruth Moschner (front) and Alexander Klaws Photo: Rolf Vennenbernd / dpa

Despite the professional performance, the shy firefly got the fewest votes from the audience at the end of the evening who were allowed to vote via the app. Once again the jury racked its brains. Gätjen stayed with actress Palina Rojinski (36): “I’m a bit in love with Palina, that’s why I looked deep into her eyes.” Ruth Moschner first guessed a model, but then suddenly claimed: “I say … Maria Furtwängler! “

When the firefly head was finally removed, everyone was speechless. World star Ute Lemper (58) came to the fore – and that even brought moderator Matthias Opdenhövel (51) out of the concept for a short time: “What an honor. What a star! At home all over the world and now with us in Cologne-Ossendorf! “

Ihre Identität ist noch ungelüftet: „Die Maus“ (links), „Maximum Power" (Mitte) und das Schaf Photo: Getty Images

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Your identities are still secret: the “mouse” (left), “maximum power” (middle) and that Sheep Photo: Getty Images

Alexander Klaws was visibly moved and used the chance for a short eulogy for the world-famous singer: “Ute Lemper was one of the reasons why someone like me discovered the musical stage for themselves. You were a pioneer for many who tried it afterwards.”

Ute Lemper seemed to be despite all the enthusiasm g relieved to finally be able to slip out of her costume: “15 kilos on the back, 20 kilos on the bottom. It was very tiring.”

The joy of being there was still huge: “It was so nice, a wonderful team. It was so great to live with such a family again for a week. “

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