DiscoverEU: Over 2300 young Romanians will receive free travel passes to explore Europe

A total of 2,343 young Romanians have been selected to receive free travel passes in the latest round of the DiscoverEU initiative, which gives them the opportunity to explore Europe.

Since the launch of the program in 2018, over 5,000 young Romanians have been selected to receive such travel passes, the European Commission’s Representation in Romania said.

At the EU level, 60,950 participants aged 18-20 have been selected to receive a travel pass in the latest round that took place in October 2021.

The application round was open to young Europeans born between July 1, 2001 and December 31, 2003. Exceptionally, 19 and 20 year-olds could also apply after their rounds were postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Given the pandemic and the possible health restrictions, all travellers will be offered flexible bookings through a new mobile travel pass.

The selected applicants will be able to travel alone or in a group of up to five people between March 2022 and February 2023 for up to 30 days. To support the Green Deal, they will travel mainly by train, with some exceptions to allow those living on islands or in remote areas to take part.

The Commission is planning to launch the next application round in the spring of 2022.

(Photo source:

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