Cacoal Regional Hospital performs first organ harvesting surgery of 2022

The organ donation was authorized by the donor’s sister, a 50-year-old male from West Colorado

On Thursday (6), professionals at Hospital Regional de Cacoal (HRC) performed the first organ harvesting surgery of 2022. The donor was a resident from West Colorado, 50 years old, victim of a traumatic brain injury. Authorization for donation was given by the donor’s sister.

It is worth mentioning that in Brazil, organ donation is only made with the express authorization of at least a family member and therefore, increasingly, the popularization of organ donation has been essential for lives to be saved. In addition, by expressing the desire to be a donor, the person ends up helping family members, in a moment of pain, to make this decision.

In Cacoal, the organ harvesting service was implemented by the Government of Rondônia, first at the Regional Hospital, in 2013. In 2017, the procedures were also carried out at the Urgency and Emergency Hospital (Heuro). Since then, a total of 31 organ harvesting surgeries have been performed at the Regional Hospital Complex of Cacoal.

In 2021 alone, nine harvesting procedures of organs were performed, surpassing the average of previous years. In the last year, with the donations made, 39 people who were waiting on the transplant waiting list were able to have the opportunity to start over.

Member of the Intra Commission -Hospital for Donation of Organs and Tissues for Transplantation (CIHDOTT) of the Complexo Hospitalar de Cacoal, nurse Rittiela Rocha, highlights the importance of organ donation. “The family has the opportunity to say YES to organ donation, helping to save the lives of people who are waiting for a transplant. It’s a way to reframe the moment of pain in losing a loved one. It brings comfort to the heart, knowing that with a life that, unfortunately, was lost, they were able to help other families”, he highlights.

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