Daily Horoscope: January 8, 2022

The moon enters fire sign Aries at 12:26 AM, inspiring courage and bringing a happy-go-lucky energy, especially as the moon mingles with chatty Mercury in free-spirited Aquarius at 2:37 PM. An important moment in Venus retrograde’s journey arrives when it meets the sun in Capricorn at 7:48 PM, encouraging us to re-orient ourselves in our relationships, finances, and values. An important realization, meaningful investment, or boundary can be set at this time.

All times ET.


The moon enters your sign today, Aries! The sun meets Venus retrograde in Capricorn, activating the sector of your chart that rules your career and reputation, which could find you making an important decision or realization concerning your work.


Take it easy and rest today as the moon enters Aries. The sun meets your ruling planet Venus, which is currently retrograde in Capricorn, bringing a breakthrough about your desires and your values.


Your focus is on your social life today as the moon moves through Aries. The sun meets Venus retrograde in Capricorn, which could find you making an important realization about money and other resources you share with partners.


The moon enters Aries today, lighting up the sector of your chart that rules fame and success! Your focus is also on partnership as the sun meets Venus retrograde in your opposite sign Capricorn, which could bring an important realization about your standards and expectations from partners.


Exciting adventures and opportunities can come your way as the moon enters fellow fire sign Aries. Your astrological ruler, the sun, meets Venus retrograde in Capricorn, finding you discovering something important about how you want to organize your day-to-day life.


The moon enters Aries, finding you focused on finances, especially themes like debts and taxes. The sun meets Venus retrograde in fellow earth sign Capricorn, finding you reconnecting with what brings you joy, and perhaps learning something new about love and harmony.


Your focus is on relationships today as the moon enters your opposite sign Aries. The sun meets your ruling planet Venus, which is currently retrograde in Capricorn, finding you getting clear about your values in your home and family life.


The moon in Aries may find you inspired to tackle your chores today. The sun meets Venus retrograde in Capricorn, helping you realize something important about the way you discuss love or money.


A flirtatious energy flows as the moon enters Aries! The sun meets Venus retrograde in Capricorn, which could find you making an important realization about money, your belongings, or your sense of security.


You may be in a private mood today as the moon enters Aries! You’re also making important realizations about love, money, and your values as the sun meets Venus retrograde, which is currently in your sign.


The moon enters Aries, lighting up the communication sector of your chart, and emotions you may not have words for may become more clear as the sun meets Venus retrograde in Capricorn.


Your focus turns to finances as the moon enters Aries. You’re also realizing important things about which friendships and communities you want to invest in as the sun meets Venus retrograde in Capricorn.

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