Homeless people are sent by the company “makať”. They spend all their energy on existential problems

“Are you looking for a job?” Asks a lady in her forties of a homeless man standing on the street in front of a store. She talks to him for a while, then she gives him change and goes her way again.

Such a scene is not unique at all. Sending homeless people on the street are met mainly by young homeless people. Passers-by may not have known that it could be people after heart attacks, with health or mental problems that are invisible. “Sometimes a deeper conversation with such a seller would be enough and the buyer would find out why this person can not go to do,” says Zuzana Pohánková, director of the civic association Against the Current.

The role of the seller

Mr. Ľudovít sells Nota Bene magazine in front of Billa in Karlova Ves. He says that due to his age, he would no longer be able to work behind the belt in the assembly plant. However, social workers try to connect them with various forms of work. “We also had a bulletin board where they gave us offers,” he describes how this system works:

Is it difficult for him to actively offer people something for sale? “I’m used to it. It’s harder for some, it’s easier for others, “he describes what it’s like to stand on the street and sell.

For a person in a position to deal with

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