More than 100 Christian colleges have ties to an abortion clinic in the US

A report released by the Institute for Pro-Life Advancement, a project by the pro-life group Students for Life of America, reveals that more than 100 Christian colleges and universities in the United States have had ties to Planned Parenthood, the biggest business abortion in the country.

The report, released last month, details the relationship of Planned Parenthood with Christian Universities and Colleges in the US in recent two years, analyzing all 784 US colleges and universities affiliated with a Christian church, finding that 103 of them have some sort of relationship with Planned Parenthood.

According to the report, a relationship with Planned Parenthood represents an endorsement of abortion violence and an alarming departure from Christian tradition and biblical values. In addition to the report, SFLA has published a detailed document that provides evidence of the relationships.

In the report, schools were rated on an A+ to F scale based on the degree of their respective relationships. with Planned Parenthood. Schools with four or more “offences” received an F, while schools with no infractions received an A.

According to The Christian Post, one letter grade was assigned for each additional infraction of up to four. Schools that took the additional step of promoting pro-life pregnancy centers as an alternative to Planned Parenthood were awarded an A+.

The SFLA survey found that promoting Planned Parenthood as a student resource it constitutes 56% of all infractions. How Trinity Washington University, a Catholic school in Washington, DC, includes Planned Parenthood as a “Women’s Health” feature on its website.

Of the 103 schools with at least one infraction, 22% received an F grade, 20% received a D grade, 19% received a C grade and 39% received a B grade. Since schools that received an F grade indicate a “committed relationship” with Planned Parenthood.

“It is crucial that colleges and universities that claim an affiliation to the Christian faith and biblical values ​​do not contradict these values ​​by partnering with or promoting bullies of violence to abortion,” said Kristan Hawkins, president of SFLA.

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