Battlefield 2042 is free to try this weekend on Xbox

The beleaguered Battlefield 2042 is free to play this weekend on Xbox.

The offer is part of the platform’s regular Free Play Days scheme open to anyone with an Xbox Live Gold or Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscription.

You can start playing now, and keep playing until Monday, 10th January at 8am UK time.

If you like what you’ve played, there are also discounts on Battlefield 2042’s four editions – with a third off a Standard Edition copy.

Turn-based sci-fi battler Star Renegades and Lovecraftian open world The Sinking City are also available to try.

But it’s Battlefield 2042’s appearance here which is the most high-profile – and, relatively soon after its launch, slightly surprising.

Battlefield 2042 has had a rough road to launch – and a bumpy time since.

Earlier this week, fan frustration spilled over after the removal of the game’s popular Rush mode. Moderators of the game’s reddit community have since warned fans they will close the discussion board entirely if the community did not behave better.

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