Saudi Arabia has released from prison a princess fighting for women's equality

Saudi authorities have released Princess Basma bint Saud al Saud, daughter of King Saud (1953-1964), and her daughter Suhud al-Sharif after the two spent nearly three years in prison without charge.

The London-based Saudi NGO ALQST announced on its social media the release of the two women detained since March 2019, without specifying the date of their release, informs Deutsche Welle.

No charges were brought against Basma during her detention and she was deprived of the necessary medical care due to a critical health condition, which she did not specify.

“The authorities deliberately neglected their lives. “The mother and the daughter accused the organization, which also recalled that after the arrest Basma bint Saud was unknown for a month, during which she was not allowed to talk to her family.

Princess Basma, born in 1964, was the youngest of more than a hundred children of King Saud, who was dethroned the same year, five years before her death in exile in Greece.

A businesswoman, she participated before her arrest in various social institutions and human rights organizations and spoke openly on social media in favor of equality women in the ultra-conservative Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Basma bint Saud was arrested on March 1, 2019, when she was taken from her home in Jeddah, western Saudi Arabia, on the grounds that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman wanted to meet her.

Instead, she was taken directly to Riyadh prison along with her daughter Suhud, ALQST said. Like her, several members of the royal family have been victims of systematic arrests and enforced disappearances in Saudi Arabia, along with activists, journalists, lawyers, bloggers, scientists, writers and ordinary citizens for peacefully exercising their right to freedom of movement. expression, according to many human rights organizations.

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