Most investments lost to inflation in 2021; exceptions were Bitcoin and BDRs

There were some ups and downs. In 2021, most investments lost to inflation, both measured by the IPCA (Extended Consumer Price Index) and the IGP-M (General Market Price Index). The exceptions were Bitcoin and BDRs (Brazilian Depositary Receipts), receipts for shares of foreign companies listed on B3.

)Where to Invest 2022: experts explain what to do with your money in an election year in a free ebook!

“There was a lot of expectation regarding a rapid recovery of global economies and with the end of the pandemic and the normalization of economic relations ”, says Rafael Bevilacqua, chief strategist at Levante, in a report. “Part of it actually happened. However, throughout the year, investors had to live with unexpected movements in asset prices”, he evaluates.

The news is bad for investors, because it means that it was more It is difficult to obtain a real return – above inflation – on investments. In practice, it represents how much the investor actually earned, ensuring the maintenance and growth of the purchasing power of money over time. Understand the importance of real return on investments by clicking here.

On the stock exchange, the Ibovespa, main Brazilian stock index, fell by 11.93% in the year, marked by strong turmoil amid the perception of greater fiscal risks. With presidential elections ahead, in addition to the news about the pandemic and inflationary pressure here and around the world, the harbinger of continued volatility in 2022.

Performance, of course, was not uniform between actions. There were highlights, such as the roles of exporting companies – Embraer (EMBR3), for example, advanced more than 180% in the year , while Braskem shares (BRKM5) rose more than 170%. On the other hand, for companies linked to domestic consumption, mainly with exposure to e-commerce, the year was bad, after having shone in 2020.

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