The apps that help you keep your New Year's resolutions

It’s not just-just getting a new habit.

Niklas Plikk

2022 has arrived and many have set different goals for the year. Many of the goals that are set are often about body, health and weight, and every January, the gyms see a huge growth in members. But no matter what kind of goal you set, you will not get very far if you only change your lifestyle for a month or two. You have to change your habits, and it takes both longer and more effort than you might think. You have probably heard the modern saying “There’s an app for that!”, And of course it also applies to habits. And let’s make it clear from the start: An app can not do all the work for you. But there are many apps out there that can help you change your habits, and make them both a little more fun to perform and hopefully easier to remember. We have put together a handful of the apps out there, which will not only help you set new goals, but to actually stick to the plan and perform the new tasks day in and day out.


We start with the mobile app Done, which will make it easier to set goals, track progress and motivate you to stick to the plan you have set. The different goals you set get different colors in the app, and you can plot both things you want to avoid (such as eating candy or buying a coffee on the way to work), or things you want to do (25 push-ups a day or go to bed before 11 o’clock). You can also enter intervals, which days to avoid the different things on, and whether the goals have an end date. You are rewarded in the app every time you complete one of the sub-goals, and you can follow if you have “streaks” – that is, when you complete the goal several times in a row, uninterrupted – so that you are even more motivated to continue. Done is only available on iOS and can be downloaded at App Store her

  • . Free to download and you can put and track three goals free
  • . In addition, it costs NOK 319 the first year for a subscription, and then NOK 639.

    Strides Strides does about exactly the same thing as Done, but packed together in a slightly different way. You can track just about anything you want and build your own perfect routine for the day, and the app helps you follow your schedule from morning to night. Here there is a little more focus on graphs and overviews than at Done, but if you are the type who likes that, this is probably the app you should consider. Strides is also only available on iOS, and can be downloaded at App Store .

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