PHOTO and VIDEO: Over protesters with a water cannon, over journalists with spit and objects


(29. Sep 2021, 13: 13 Updated: 20:47 / 29.9.2021

) For the third Wednesday in a row, people gathered in Ljubljana to protest against the PCT condition (got sick, vaccinated, tested).

protest 29. 9

Return to Republic Square

The police once again fenced off the Republic Square and urged them to take action against potential violators. Recall, the rally 14 days ago ended with riots and the intervention of a water cannon, and last week was calm.

Police officers gathered at the Republic Square at around 1 pm through a megaphone, warning that it was an unorganized rally, and called for measures to be taken. Whistles followed, and a helicopter flew over the center of Ljubljana. Popular Slovenian songs with adapted lyrics on the topic of anti-vaccination could be heard from the speakers.

Protesters began the program by expressing condolences to the relatives of the late 20-year-old. A minute of silence followed. “For my child it is, for my Katja!” was immediately heard from the audience. The father of the unfortunate young woman was then invited on stage. He said that it was his Katja who went to get vaccinated so that she would not be hindered in her life “you measures”. “Murderers, murderers,” then started shouting at some of the protesters.

By 3 p.m. The Republic Square was filled with various speakers on the rostrum, with anti-vaccination and conspiracy agendas, warnings against government repression, the “real” truth hidden from the people by elites, politicians, people with money and money. protesters responded with loud applause.

The protest has not been reported, and among the initiators of the rally is the party, led by the Kranj city councilor and former member of the Slovenian National Party Zoran Stevanović

Shortly before 4 pm, the Republic Square was emptied , and a mass of people began moving across the platform between Cankarjev dom and the NLB, away from parliament, after Stevanovic urged them to wave it to the presidential palace. The protesters paralyzed the traffic on the Tivoli bypass, from where they found their way to Celovška cesta.


Low overflight of a police helicopter

Protesters reinforced their numbers by “picking up” people from sidewalks. Some watched from the sidelines with interest, let themselves be convinced, and kept up with the masses. “Thieves, thieves, thieves”, “masks down, masks down” shouted, and here and there someone hit a tin pot or container with a spoon.

A police helicopter flew over the gathered, and it came out from the speakers: “The police are watching, because leave the road for safety reasons. “

The protesters then marched on the northern Ljubljana ring road. There, a water cannon awaited them. Due to the protests, the northern Ljubljana bypass between the Koseza and Zadobrova junctions was closed in both directions.

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The police then announced that the rally had been disbanded. And that they used coercive means to ensure the safety of all involved. The protesters were moving back towards the center of the capital on Celovška cesta with police officers on their heels, and the traffic on the Ljubljana bypass was released again.

A crowd of protesters shouted in front of RTV that they wanted five minutes. The water cannon also came there.

The police closed the way for the crowd that returned along Celovška cesta on Gosposvetska cesta, and a water cannon was waiting for them on the right side of Tivolska. They set out on the only available route, namely to the left along the Tivoli in the direction of the Bavarian Palace and to Vienna. Calls could be heard from the helicopter for protesters to leave the area as they circled the streets of the city center. However, they found their way back to Republic Square.

“Tomorrow is D-Day, if they don’t obey the laws, we won’t either,” was heard from the speaker’s “stage”. Meanwhile, police from a helicopter continued to urge protesters to leave the area and to use coercive means.

After 7 p.m. the market began to empty, about half the people persisted. At 8 pm, most of them dispersed, the rest were chased away by the police, who closed the Republic Square.

Violence against journalists

Protesters were also critical of media coverage at the rally, when switched on, obstructed some journalist teams, including the Channel A and POP TV teams, and threw various objects and spat at them. The security guard who accompanied the said team was also slightly injured.

The Association of Journalists of Slovenia has already come forward, urging people to respect the work of journalists in the field and they do not endanger, as they only perform their tasks. At the same time, they called on media houses and the police to ensure the safety of journalist teams in the field.

Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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