Palmer in Sarajevo with officials on the electoral system


SARAJEVO – After arriving in Sarajevo, US envoy for electoral reform in BiH Matthew Palmer talked with US and OSCE ambassadors and the EU representative as well as members of the Central Election Commission about the necessary changes to the electoral system towards greater integrity and transparency.

At a meeting with OSCE Ambassador Katlin Kavalec, EU Special Representative to BiH Johan Satler, US Ambassador Eric Nelson and CEC members, Palmer discussed the need for electoral reform which would focus on the integrity and transparency of the electoral system, reports

a key opportunity that BiH will use this year “, the US Embassy said after the meeting.

Palmer said yesterday just before the trip to Sarajevo that the US in BiH they want to see certain changes to the Constitution that would remove ethnic prefixes from the elections for the Presidency and the House of Peoples ode to the Federation, then electoral reform in accordance with the recommendations of the OSCE, GRECO and international courts, and to meet the principle of “one country, two entities, three constituent peoples”.

The American diplomat held the position of Special Representative for the Western Balkans for two years, and is now in charge of electoral reform in BiH.


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