You will be enchanted by the FIRST joint photo of Kaća and Marko Gobeljić with their daughter

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Katarina and Marko Gobeljić celebrated their first Christmas with their first child, daughter Katja.

Singer Katarina Grujić and football player Marko Gobeljić recently took on the role of parents, when their first child was born, a daughter they named Katja.

On the last day of the old year we had the opportunity to see a beautiful holiday photo of Kaća and little Katja with the singer’s sister Bojana and her son , and this time, just on Christmas, the happiest Christian holiday, Kaća shared a photo with her daughter and husband Marko.

Peace of God, Christ is born!

Merry Christmas dear friends! ) We wish you a lot of health, love and happiness! ❤️

– doll (@katarina_grujic) January 7, 2022

The couple is smiling in the company of their little girl, and the singer also shared what their Christmas table looks like. She took a picture of her toasting with Gobelj, but also of the steam drawn from the garlic…

This is how the Gobeljićs enjoyed themselves on the day of their first Christmas together:

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