Canada wins the ATP Cup, beats Spain in the final

SIDNEY (AP) – Felix Auger-Aliassime secured the ATP Cup title for Canada on Sunday with a 7-6 (3), 6-3 win over Roberto Bautista Agut and his country took an insurmountable 2-0 lead against Spain.

Denis Shapovalov won the first win for Canada by beating Pablo Carreño Busta 6-4, 6-3.

Auger- Aliassime and Shapovalov decisively won in doubles on Saturday against Russia and eliminated the defending champions. With the title at stake, they played their best tennis to beat Spain, twice a finalist.

“The emotions are indescribable,” said Auge-Aliassime on the ATP website. “There is no better feeling than winning. “We came far behind in the competition, losing the first four games, but we never stopped believing.”

Auger-Aliassime saved 10 of 11 break points he faced and had 15 aces.

Shapovalov had just lost four of his last five games to Carreño Busta.

“I couldn’t have asked for a better start. If it hadn’t been for Denis the last two days, we would not be here “, recognized Auger-Aliassime.

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