“I WALKED ON KALIŠ” This is how Ivan Tasovac talked about growing up!


Ivan Tasovac (55), director of the Belgrade Philharmonic, passed away tonight at his home in Belgrade at around 9 p.m. The ambulance team tried to resuscitate.

Ivan tasovac • RAS / RAS Serbia

One thing is for sure: the director of the Belgrade Philharmonic and former Minister of Culture and Information Ivan Tasovac did not leave anyone indifferent.

Ivan Tasovac
Ivan Tasovac

He told the media about his unusual childhood:

– I spent my childhood at two Belgrade addresses, in Jovanova Street in Dorcol, where my father and I lived, and Kicevska in Vracar, where my mother’s parents lived. The apartment in Dorcol was small, with a kitchen facing the common terrace, where I hit the ball until baldness, of course, except for the time between two and five.

– For those younger, who do not know, it was a religious afternoon, when parents throughout the SFRY mostly hissed, silencing children because of the neighborhood that is resting. I walked on Kališ, later rode a bicycle, and even later broke on a skateboard. We spent the summer on Lopud, until Dad, under the onslaught of Maspok, canceled his further engagement at the Dubrovnik Summer Games, because he belongs to the “second language climate”. It was not talked about in the house, because it was considered that these were not stories for children, but I know that the parents were most affected by the fact that their father’s best friend Tonko Lonza never called again after that. One of the fondest memories I carry of the island, where there were no cars, where everyone knew each other and, in turn, looked after their own and other people’s children, were my fishing adventures, where the catch was kept in the hotel freezer to celebrate Dad’s birthday 9

Ivan Tasovac

– Christmas Eve we welcomed in Kičevska, and Christmas lunch at the parents’ home. Not only because of the opening of double Christmas presents, I was convinced that Christmas Bata is a real and real face, unlike Santa Claus, who is a pure communist fabrication – said Ivan.

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