Kim Da Mi And Noh Jung Ui Share A Tense Confrontation In “Our Beloved Summer”

Tensions are rising between Kim Da Mi and Noh Jung Ui in SBS’s “Our Beloved Summer”!

The SBS drama is about ex-couple Choi Woong (Choi Woo Shik) and Guk Yeon Soo (Kim Da Mi) whose relationship did not end on good terms. Years later, the documentary they filmed in high school suddenly gains popularity, and they’re forced to be together in front of the camera once more.


In the last episode, Guk Yeon Soo realized that she has fallen back in love with Choi Woong. After the two kissed, Choi Woong suggested they become friends, but Guk Yeon Soo wasn’t able to let go as easily. Following a period of denial, Guk Yeon Soo eventually started to have feelings for Choi Woong again. Furthermore, Guk Yeon Soo was saddened when she saw Choi Woong treating her like just a friend while leaving on a date with NJ (Noh Jung Ui). Later, Guk Yeon Soo teared up when she realized regretfully that she had never once forgotten Choi Woong.

The new stills capture a strained atmosphere between NJ and Guk Yeon Soo. NJ has come to visit Choi Woong’s house late at night, but Guk Yeon Soo is the one to open the door. Choi Woong, the owner of the house, doesn’t even appear to be present, causing the unexpected encounter to occur. Nevertheless, the two quickly gather their thoughts and share a conversation as uneasy tension between them grows.

Competition between NJ’s and Guk Yeon Soo’s one-sided feelings appear to be heating up in the upcoming episode, especially since the preview teased Guk Yeon Soo trying to process the dating rumors between NJ and Choi Woong. NJ also added fuel to the fire, stating, “As you’ve seen in the news, we have that kind of relationship.” Along with the scandal, episode 11 will also depict the final filming for the documentary as well as the complicated emotions between Choi Woong, Guk Yeon Soo, and Kim Ji Woong (Kim Sung Cheol).

The production team shared, “As they face the honest feelings they’ve been ignoring and denying, the romance of youths, who are confirming their twisted and tangled feelings for one another, will unfold with an unpredictable development.” They added, “In particular, Guk Yeon Soo will undergo an unfamiliar change as she starts her one-sided love. Please watch to see if she’ll be able to turn over Choi Woong’s heart after he has become a friend.”

The next episode of “Our Beloved Summer” airs on January 10 at 10 p.m. KST.

In the meantime, watch Noh Jung Ui in “18 Again” below:

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