Unusual: the US government had to come out to clarify that the birds are real

It was the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission referring to this strange conspiracy to draw attention to its new website.

Monday, January 10, 2022 hs

One of the strange conspiracies in the United States in recent years claimed that “birds are not real”, just an invention of the government to control and monitor the citizens. Given this, the government had to go out and defend itself.

It is the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission that made reference to this theory to draw attention to its new website in a Twitter thread. “Birds are real” , they pointed out before ironically showing very normal and “natural” situations that demonstrate the life of these simple animals.

The original idea of ​​this conspiracy was created in 2017 by Peter McIndoe, a 23-year-old who wanted to parody some of the most absurd ideas and assured that the birds were sophisticated drones that flew to observe people and report to authorities. Thus, he claimed that the government had annihilated the 12 billion birds that lived in the American country between 1959 and 2001 and had replaced them with spy devices . The conspiracy aimed to prevent the death of more “real” birds, but “failed in its mission.”

Birds are real .

– US Consumer Product Safety Commission (@USCPSC) January 5, 2022

Also, a joke that caused a sensation on Twitter years ago and which also has its own branch in the UK with a campaign stating that it is the pigeons that are not real . They even show evidence of the anatomy of a pigeon made up of cameras and microphones for surveillance. Although in the thread it was quite clear what the truth was, many have responded with data that cast doubt on the existence of these animals . A graph with all the countries of the Milky Way indicated as suspicious that only humans die on Earth, the only planet with birds.

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