Study: Up to 16 billion growth in value per year: These 100 companies made particularly strong gains in 2021

Study Up to 16 billion growth in value per year: These 100 companies made particularly strong gains in 2021

Little-known Chinese tech companies are well ahead of their European counterparts. The first German company follows in 16th place.

Das Unternehmen der beiden ist wegen seines äußerst erfolgreich verkauften Impfstoffs deutlich wertvoller geworden. Quelle: imago images/Political-Moments

Symbolic picture: Biontech founders Özlem Türeci and Uğur Şahin

The company of the two has become significantly more valuable because of its extremely successful vaccine sales.

(Photo: imago images / Political-Moments)

Hamburg Pinduoduo belongs in Europe not among the well-known tech companies – despite being listed on the Nasdaq . There are two reasons for this: On the one hand, the Chinese are only active in their huge home market. And on the other hand, their business model has little to do with the ideas of western internet companies.

Pinduoduo enables farmers in the countryside to offer their products in the cities. In addition, Pinduoduo acts as a kind of shopping club for group discounts. The most tangible is the designation as Alibaba – competitor, because at least the large marketplace is also a household name outside of China. It might be worthwhile to keep the name Pinduoduo in mind. According to a recent study by the BCG consultancy, the Shanghai company has succeeded better than any other young tech company in the world in increasing its corporate value on an annual average since it was founded.

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