Yankees’ Joey Gallo Undergoing X-Ray on Hand Injury After Loss vs. Blue Jays

Sarah Stier/Getty Images

Wednesday’s 6-5 loss to the Toronto Blue Jays wasn’t the only bad news for the New York Yankees.

Manager Aaron Boone told reporters slugger Joey Gallo was undergoing an X-ray after he was hit by a pitch on the hand. He was unable to bat in the final inning of the loss, which is why Gary Sanchez pinch hit.

“We’ll see what we have overnight,” Boone said of Gallo while also noting Luke Voit was undergoing treatment but should be all right.

Gallo started the game in left field and went 0-for-2 with a run scored. Voit struck out in his pinch-hit appearance in the seventh inning and appeared to have somewhat of a limp after he ran to first base on a dropped third strike, although he was ruled out because there was already a runner on first before the pitch.

Losing Gallo at any time of year would be less than ideal, but the Bronx Bombers surely don’t want to be without him with the postseason around the corner.

They are one game ahead of the Boston Red Sox for the first American League Wild Card spot and two games ahead of the Blue Jays and Seattle Mariners. They play Toronto one more time Thursday before finishing the regular season with a three-game set against the Tampa Bay Rays.

New York hasn’t clinched a playoff spot yet and will be facing a single-elimination wild-card matchup even if it does.

Its lineup is far more dangerous with Gallo in the middle of it. He has 13 home runs and 21 RBI in 54 games for the Yankees since they acquired him from the Texas Rangers via trade and has 38 long balls on the entire season between the two teams.

There are few better power hitters in the league than the 27-year-old, and he could alter the outcome of a playoff game with a single swing.

New York could rotate a combination of Giancarlo Stanton, Brett Gardner and Tyler Wade in left field if Gallo is sidelined.

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