“This is not 1973”: The economist who denies the possibility of stagflation and prolonged price increases

Carl Weinberg believes that factors such as the corona plague and the global shortage of chips are what That makes the U.S. economy unstable – and not inflation ■ Revenue from online commerce over the holiday season is expected to peak at $ 1.2 trillion due to rising prices, according to Salesforce

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Updated at: 20:01

מחירי דלק עולים ארה Rise in US fuel prices. “Inflation is a process, not a one-time change” OLIVIER DOULIERY – AFP

Karl Weinberg, chief economist at the consulting firm High Frequency Economics, said the global shortage of chips, bottlenecks in seaports and the corona plague are the causes of a “series of temporary supply problems” – not pressures. Systemic inflation. “Inflation is a process, not a one-time change in the price level – and that’s what we are seeing now,” Weinberg said. “We are witnessing a temporary adjustment to a new reality in terms of supply, but we do not now see a process of stagflation, as happened in the 1970s.” Global stock markets stormed yesterday (Tuesday) due to a jump in yields on ten-year government bonds, which reached 1.567%. Along with concerns about the US debt ceiling, investors are also worried about the rise …

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