The quality of the new line of swimwear Kylie Jenner caused confusion on the network

The quality of the new swimwear line, designed by entrepreneur and TV star Kylie Jenner, has raised eyebrows on the web. Relevant videos and critical comments appeared on TikTok .

Blogger Brianna Renee, whose page has over 559,000 subscribers, shared her impression after unpacking the goods delivered to her from the online store of the Kylieswim brand. The girl ordered a one-piece swimsuit in orange-pink color, which is decorated with cutouts that expose part of the chest, waist and belly. Its cost on the website of the brand is 80 dollars (5822 rubles).

On the footage of the video, the heroine of the material showed the details of the swimsuit close up. It can be seen that the fabric on the swimming trunks has ripped apart, the inner seams are made unevenly, and threads stick out from the outer side of the product. The post went viral with 13.8 million views and over two million likes.

Netizens criticized the appearance of Jenner’s products in the comments. “The quality is better on Shein”, “It looks like the clothes I made for my barbie dolls from rags”, “This is Kylie, what did you expect”, “I don’t know how much you gave for this, but I’m sorry for your money “,” I won’t spend a cent on the things this family creates, “they said.

In February, the popular Shein brand pleased for girls a cheap replacement for a luxury brand swimsuit. We are talking about a bathing suit with a multi-colored print Geo Print Bikini worth 15 dollars (1,090 rubles). The bikini almost completely repeats the design of the swimsuit of the popular Australian brand Sommer Swim for $ 168.

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