Jazeera Paints Calls For Introspection With The Warm Embrace Of 2022 Color Trends

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Jan. 3, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Jazeera Paints, a top-notch paint and coating company, vigorously paving its way in the Kingdom, kick-starts a bracing new beginning with the launching of the ” 2022 Color Trends.” This year, a soulful, nourishing and enlightening four-color collection is incorporated in paint, only to reflect the spirit of the ultra-modern life lingering around the globe, having contemplation, reflection and serenity as its core pillars. This cluster of inviting, warm colors will urge meditative introspection to come about, ushering in a new era of self-actualization.


“Meditation and mindfulness is a practice which goes beyond the person. The interior design has always been influenced by various spiritual practices, bringing about the concept of the ‘mindful home,’ which means that being ‘at home’ is a metaphor for finding ourselves and our core. And this is what we’re after here—with the hustle and bustle of the everyday life—it’s become quite exhausting. We’re in need of a space that gives us a bit of a breather. So, we’re here to guide you through this color trends this year,” said Yahya Syiam, Director of Marketing at Jazeera Paints. “Not only will our homes become an authentic reflection of who we are, they will become a higher expression of who we might grow into. The 2022 Color Trends will inspire us to slow down, reflect—and start anew!”

As color experts at Jazeera Paints researched and identified key trends that influence the way we interact with colors, they cautiously selected the trendiest colors of the year; subsequently, they ultimately gravitated towards soothing, warm and earthy shades, reflecting a broader back-to-nature trend in interior design. That said, the 2022 Jazeera Paints color palette included 32 aesthetic shades.

The 2022 color palettes have been designed in a manner which enable earthy color combinations to take on an elegant, modern look while enveloping the entire room in cozy warmth. They display a harmonious gradation of colors in the same space, encouraging a thoughtful, introspective attitude to reside.


This collection brings forth a cluster of soothing, tranquilizing colors which express a consoling, alleviating attitude and a soft but powerful presence, creating an elegant aroma and a spiritual identity to the space. The palette is embodied by gentle colors and light neutrals along with some warm and subtle color contrasts; it mainly puts an emphasis on getting into the right meditative, mental state. With shades solely designed to send off a comforting vibe, the interior will become a haven for all peace-seekers that wish to eliminate the stream of jumbled thoughts constantly crowding the mind. On account of that, this palette carries a deeply personal significance and an aesthetic touch.


The different shades of color in this palette give off a more sophisticated, elegant approach to the interior. The new, fancy, and classy collection of colors are designed to boost your sense of confidence and optimism, enabling you to celebrate your new, elevated self to the fullest. With this aesthetic color palette, self-actualization becomes fully grasped as you become steps closer to realizing your full potential and having an acute appreciation for life as it is. The ongoing dialogue between colors and things will then contribute to breaking all the boundaries which constantly limit your sense of growth and personal development. This color collection is a major, basic step in the progression of introspection using paint.


“Joy” is not only an emotional state but a collection of enthusiastic, stimulating colors that add a revitalizing feel to the space, reflecting various meanings of delight. This set brings a sense of playfulness to interiors and invites unexpected color combinations. With joy as the ultimate reward for self-actualization, the colors impart an imaginative, hopeful attitude to any space.


However, it does not stop here. At last, you will feel at peace with yourself—and your space. Intensified feelings of satisfaction take control of your psyche as you become comfortable in your own skin. In this collection, calming and composed colors shine as a reassuring backdrop and freshen up any space; shades of happiness, contentment and warmth are depicted. Healing and harmony, with a little gleam, become predominant themes in your interior’s story.

Jazeera Paints, thus, calls for meditative introspection through the colors of the interior. The year of 2022 inspires a fresh new start for spaces to emit immense positivity and receptivity.

“Now is the time to come clean with yourself and your surroundings,” said Mr. Syiam.

The 2022 Color Trends is available within our ready-to-order paints that take a sophisticated and an ultra-modern look, garnishing the walls of your interior. At Jazeera Paints, high-quality paint is guaranteed with a general philosophy that cares for your wellness as well. 

It is worth noting that all colors and texture effects included in the 2022 Color Trends are now available in Jazeera Paints stores in the Middle East and North Africa.

Follow us on https://twitter.com/JPaintsGlobal.

Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyYLzefJd9APhoto – https://indexofnews.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/01/newsomatic/Jazeera_Paints.jpg

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SOURCE Jazeera Paints

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