Western Australia on alert after COVID case allegedly breached quarantine to travel in ride share

A confirmed COVID-19 case in Western Australia allegedly breached quarantine on Wednesday to travel in a ride share vehicle.

The WA Health Department told 7NEWS the risk to the community was minimal, but the person should never have left the hotel room in the city where they were meant to be self-isolating.

Hear from a disease expert about COVID parties in the video above

7NEWS understands the man took a ride share service to attend the Royal Perth Hospital testing clinic before he was tracked down.

He was then transferred to a state-run quarantine hotel via the specialised isolation ambulance.

COVID clinic at the Royal Perth Hospital.
7NEWS understands the man took a ride share service to attend the Royal Perth Hospital testing clinic before he was tracked down. File image. Credit: AAP

Authorities are now trying to track down the ride share vehicle driver who was exposed to the virus.

Tests on Wednesday afternoon confirmed the man he drove is still COVID positive.

Contact tracers are working to identify any other exposure sites, as well as still trying to contain the alert from the woman with a mystery source of the infection earlier on Wednesday.

View the latest WA Health exposure sites here.

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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