Transfermóvil: How to add your magnetic cards?

The mobile application of the Cuban telecommunications company (ETECSA) in conjunction with several banking entities on the island continues to add followers and its demand is increasingly growing. Undoubtedly, the application facilitates dissimilar payments for services, online purchases, inquiries and other banking procedures without having to go to any office in person.

Transfermóvil also makes it easier for private businesses to pay online for their services and products. Due to this, the question arises in many users of how to add the most common magnetic payment cards to the “My Accounts” option, for greater ease when accessing the App.

According to the description in the application’s social networks, in order to use the “My Accounts” facilities, all cards that are ONLY the client and registered bank must be saved in the App on the cellular device. The use of these is independent by bank, that is, you can ONLY use those that are from the bank with which you authenticated.

To add your cards: Use the Side Menu and access that option. At the bottom right of your screen there is a circular button with a + touch it to add the cards. The fields to fill are:

  • Alias: write a name that identifies the card to add, whatever you want to write.
  • Card or account: the number of the card to add.
  • Currency: the currency of the card to add.
  • Mobile: phone number to use to receive notifications of operations with that card that require it.

What are the facilities? Well, with this option you will be able to consult and operate several cards of the registered customer without having to associate or change them.


The latest version of Transfermóvil (V.1.210614), has new functionalities such as payment and consultation of infringement fines , the payment and consultation of traffic fines, in addition to the cell recharge is divided according to the payment card into: recharge with a card in Cuban pesos or recharge with a card in Freely Convertible Currency (MLC).

Likewise, when reprinting cards, the selection of the bank branch where the card is to be collected is added. You can also check the status of the card requested at Banco Metropolitano or Popular de Ahorro. In addition to that you can open an MLC account at Popular de Ahorro (BPA).

Another new operation is the possibility of converting convertible peso account (CUC) to Cuban pesos in EPS. A payment can be queried. Includes partial and total returns, and the trade where it was made, by Credit and Commerce cards (Bandec).

It has an alert for when by putting the card or account number it is not recognized as any of the Cuban banks. An alarm will also arise when transferring from the MLC source card to a different MLC card. Finally, it gives the option of sharing the online payment data with another user.

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