iPhone 13 Pro reaches the podium of autonomy, among the ultra premium

With moderate usage, the phone’s 3,095mAh battery provided more than two days of “runtime”. DxOMark refers to autonomy as a comprehensive set of tests to determine battery life in various real-world scenarios.

Apple iPhone 13 Pro received a score of 76 points, in a new test of battery published by DxOMark on Monday beating the Motorola Edge 20 Pro, the Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra and the OnePlus 9 Pro, all with much larger batteries. However, it fell short of the iPhone 13 Pro Max, which currently ranks third in DxOMark’s battery rankings with a score of 89 points. With moderate usage, the phone’s 3,095mAh battery provided more than two days of “runtime”. DxOMark refers to autonomy as a comprehensive set of tests to determine battery life in various real-world scenarios.iPhone 13 Pro chega ao pódio de autonomia, entre os ultra premium 1Another test was ‘on the go’, which assesses battery life while on the move. It makes sense to dedicate a test to commuting use because there are a number of additional requirements that drain battery life, such as continuous signaling associated with cellular network selection. TheiPhone 13 Pro outperformed Ultra-Premium devices in this category with “better-than-average” performance. Regarding charging, the iPhone 13 Pro takes 1 hour 34 minutes to reach a 100% charge on the level indicator battery life, but it takes another 9 minutes to fully charge its 3095mAh battery. In most cases, users will be better off charging up to 80% because it only takes 49 minutes.iPhone 13 Pro chega ao pódio de autonomia, entre os ultra premium 2But it is the efficiency of iPhone 13 Pro Max that really shines, with its battery consuming very little power in almost every scenario. In fact, the phone’s consumption is so well managed that it has the lowest discharge current in the entire DxOMark database for WiFi video streaming and video playback. You can see here at DxOMark battery analysis for the iPhone 13 Pro here.

iP Camerashone 13 Pro

The 12-megapixel camera system of the iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max, according to Apple, is the most significant advance in camera technology ever. For both stills and videos, both models have a 77mm telephoto lens with a 3x optical zoom.iPhone 13 Pro chega ao pódio de autonomia, entre os ultra premium 3Furthermore, Apple has included a new ultra-wide sensor that performs 92% better in low light conditions than its predecessor. For the first time, this sensor supports macro photography, addressing a significant flaw in earlier iPhone models. As a result, you can get as close to your target as 2cm.The main 1.9 Megapixel Wide camera has more detail than the iPhone 12 Pro, and the /1.5 aperture promises 2x low information luminosity.Optical image stabilization, which stabilizes the sensor instead of the lens for photos and videos, is available in the Pro variant, as in the iPhone 13 models. A new feature called ProRes is also available for more advanced iPhone-based filmmakers.

‎Battery‎ iPhone 13 ProiPhone 13 Pro chega ao pódio de autonomia, entre os ultra premium 3The interior of the iPhone 13 Pro has been redesigned, allowing Apple to include a larger battery. Apple claims that users of iPhone 13 Pro will see big improvements up to 1.5 hours per charge when using iOS 15 and the new A15 Bionic chip. The battery life of iPhone 13 Pro Max was extended by 2.5 hours. The iPhone 13 Pro Max, according to Apple, has the longest battery life of any iPhone phone, with up to 28 hours of continuous video playback.

ScreeniPhone 13 Pro chega ao pódio de autonomia, entre os ultra premium 3The Apple kept the sizes of screen for iPhone 13 Pro models . The iPhone 13 Pro has a 6.1-inch OLED screen, while the iPhone 13 Pro Max ) has a 6.7 inch OLED screen.iPhone 13 Pro chega ao pódio de autonomia, entre os ultra premium 4The iPhone 13 Pro debuts a new display Super Retina HDR ) at 1000 nits of brightness, an increase of over 25% over the iPhone 12 Pro range.

A Apple is also bringing ProMotion technology to the iPhone for the first time. There is a dynamic refresh rate of 10Hz to 120Hz, depending on the content. So if you are scrolling through a simple application, the refresh rate will be lower to conserve battery life. For high-powered gaming experiences, they’ll have all the performance. The ProMotion technology also works when switching between applications.

Other Specifications iPhone 13 Pro The new Apple A15 Bionic, which has a 5-core GPU and Apple claims to be 50% faster than the competition, made its debut in the iPhone line. Included is a CPU 6-core with two new high-performance cores and four new high-efficiency cores. Apple is also promising a new 16-core neural engine that can perform 15.8 billion operations per second, according to the company.iPhone 13 Pro chega ao pódio de autonomia, entre os ultra premium 5 The iPhone 13 Pro is also water and dust resistant to IP68 standards, and the surgical-grade stainless steel body and matte back glass ensure durability. THE Apple further states that, thanks to the addition of new bands, the 5G will be available in more locations.

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