A slight breeze of optimism in the markets. The WIG20 broke the downward series

2021-09-29 17:18

2021-09-29 17:18

Lekki powiew optymizmu na rynkach. WIG20 przerwał spadkową serię
Lekki powiew optymizmu na rynkach. WIG20 przerwał spadkową serię

/ Puls Biznesu

WIG20 ended the first session in a week on a positive note which was possible thanks to a slight improvement in moods on Wall Street. Nevertheless, judging from the zloty and treasury bonds, the sentiment towards Polish assets remains not the best.

WIG20 was interrupted a series of four successive sessions in a row , increasing by 0.67% and finishing with a result of 2,290.97 points. So it was the first upward session since last Wednesday and at the same time an attempt to bounce back from the levels at which the WIG20 was after last week’s declines related to the troubles of the great Chinese developer – the Evergrande group.


The Chinese were loud again today because Evergrande has sold its bank shares to the state just to to… pay off your debts with the same bank. Generally, however, the demand for Polish assets was rather weak, which can be inferred after further depreciation of the zloty and rising yields on Polish treasury bonds.

The Wednesday’s rebound was in line with the pattern observed in the world’s most important equity markets. After Tuesday Wall Rock Street has appeared natural in recent years of recovery, under the buying “strategy” hole (BTFD). Thanks to this, the New York index at the start of Wednesday’s trade they gained about half a percent. Growth on the largest European stock exchanges approached 1%.

On the Warsaw Stock Exchange, among blue chips, Asseco Poland’s shares stood out positively, gaining 3 , 8%. After the recent declines, Dino Polska’s quotations rebounded, which today rose by 2.1%. On the other hand, KGHM’s share price fell to the lowest level since December 2020.

Among slightly smaller companies, a rebound of over 5% of the recent Ciech discounts. On the other side of the mWIG, Polenergia’s securities were falling by 3.3%. The mWIG40 alone went up by 0.65%. sWIG80 increased by 0.47%. WIG managed to gain 0.62% with quite low turnover summed up at less than PLN 740 million.

The plans to merge Beskidzkie Biuro attracted attention on the wide market. Investment with Ekipa Holding, which in practice would mean a reverse takeover of the listed company by youtuber Friz. BBI shares went up by 26.7% with a turnover exceeding PLN 3 million. Michał Żuławiński wrote more about the case in an article titled “BBI Has a Plan to Merge with The Crew.”


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