British counterintelligence warned against a Chinese agent in the House of Commons

British counterintelligence warned on Thursday that an undercover agent working for the Chinese Communist Party had infiltrated the British parliament and tried to influence legislative processes. The woman claimed that her activities are aimed at representing the Chinese living in the UK and increasing diversity in the House of Commons.

In a warning from MI5 to House of Commons announcer Lindsay Hoyle, it was written that Christine Ching Kui Lee “established links” for the Chinese Communist Party with current MPs and MP candidates.

The woman then made a financial donation to politicians who came from residents of mainland China and Hong Kong in such a way as to hide their true source. MI5 added that anyone who has had contact with Lee should be “aware of her affiliation” and that her “job is to push through the agenda of the Chinese Communist Party.”

British Parliament Shutterstock

Lee argued that her activities were aimed at representing the Chinese people living in the UK and increasing diversity in the House of Commons. According to the warning sent out, she had contacts with politicians from all parties, in particular with the already dissolved cross-party group on China.

Grants to representatives of the House of Commons

Sky News reports that Parliament’s grant records indicate that Lee reported MPs over £ 700,000, a significant part of which went to Barry Gardiner, who was in the shadow Labor cabinet of Jeremy Corbyn’s former party leader the counterpart of the Minister of International Trade.

His son Lee, who resigned on Thursday morning, worked in his parliamentary office. Gardiner told Sky News that he had been in contact with MI5 for years on the Lee case, and assured that the Chinese donation was for the research and that he did not use it personally, and that it did not affect the research or his activities in any way.

Author: asty / kab


Main photo source: Shutterstock

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