Get Ready for a Visual Feast: 2021's Best Space Photos Released

Just days before the end of 2021, 20 impressive space photos taken this year have been published. We have brought together fascinating photos that will expand your horizons as you look at them.

Space is interesting in many ways, but it’s even more exciting when it comes to photography. Thanks to the developing technologies, we can see celestial bodies billions of kilometers away from us that we cannot see with the naked eye, thanks to space officers or astrophotographers who are keen on space. We brought together the best photos taken by space agencies or photographers in 2021. It turns into a feast for our eyes with the colors and forms of celestial bodies. You may want to look at these images over and over again, which include details of planets, natural events or interesting celestial objects. Veil Nebula

uzay The image features the Veil Nebula, a favorite subject of astronomy photographers. This nebula consists of the remnants of a massive star that exploded about 10,000 years ago.ESA/Hubble & NASA, Z. Levay

SU Aur Yıldızı

uzayIn the image, massive star SU Aur


venüs This image; Venus caught as it enters final close orbit of the Sun
NASA/Johns Hopkins

Palomar 6

uzayIn this photo is a field of stars called globular cluster Palomar 6, located near the center of the Milky Way .ESA/Hubble, NASA

Ring of the Milky Way uzayThe Milky Way Ring won the first place in the Galaxies category of the 2021 Royal Observatory Greenwich’s Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition. Zhong Wuvenüs

Perseverance Traveler

uzayThis photo was taken when NASA’s Perseverance rover made a landing on Mars on February 18.NASAvenüs

Small Magellanic Cloud

uzayPictured here is the Small Magellanic Cloud, a dwarf galaxy orbiting the Milky Way. NASA

Kara Delik

uzay In this photo is a dazzling disk about 5,000 light-years across. The bright light in the middle creates a huge black hole

that attracts dust and gas in the environment .ESO


jüpiterIn the image that allows us to see Jupiter closely, besides the atmosphere, the giant storm Great Red Spot that has been going on for centuries on the planet draws attention.NASAvenüs

Cat’s Paw Nebula

uzayThis fascinating image is the first light image taken by the new imaging device mounted on the APEX telescope in Chile.
SpaceX’s Spacecraft

Space X This photo was taken on November 8 as SpaceX’s Crew Dragon vehicle was leaving the station to return to Earth with the four astronauts. venüsNASA

California Nebula

uzayThis color-focused photograph was shortlisted in Greenwich’s 2021 Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition.Terry Hancockvenüs

Galaxy Cluster

uzayIn this stunning image elliptical galaxies, galaxy cluster and light strips are combined.ESA/Hubble Teleskobu

M87 Galaxy

uzay This image offers a new look at the supermassive black hole at the heart of the galaxy. The image reveals the position of the light.Event Horizon Teleskobu

Cassiopeia A

uzayIn the supernova residue in the image , orange-iron, purple-oxygen, green-silicon/magnesium and finally blue represent titanium. NASA / Candra

Arp 86

uzayPictured is a pair of galaxies located approximately 220 million light-years from Earth.ESA/ Hubble Telescope, NASA

Abalone Nebula

uzay Pictured is a cloud of dust and gas about 4,000 light-years from Earth. The pink dots in the image were obtained from X-ray data to make the stars stand out.NASA, University of Arizona/Adam Block

CW Leonis Star

uzayThe carbon star in the photo shakes its outer layer, producing an orange and red glow.ESA/Hubbleuzay

Spiral Galaxy

uzay In the image of the galaxy located about 45 million years away, different wavelengths of light were combined. In this way, young golden stars and slightly older blue stars were classified.EPOvenüs

Yıldız Maternity HospitaluzayIn this photo, there is a stellar natal house obtained by combining visible and infrared rays, allowing hidden stars to emerge. ESA/Hubble, NASA

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