Dwayne Johnson loses 1st place: Instagram makes celebrities even richer: This star deserves the best | BUNTE.de

Dwayne Johnson (49) is no longer at the top of the “Instagram Richlist”. According to Hopper HQ’s annual list, Ronaldo earns $1,604,000 per post, out of which his $389 million will be shown to followers. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson gets $1,523,000 for his advertising posts to now 289 million followers.

Ariana Grande (28) is in third place, with $1,510,000 at $289 million Earned followers and knocked Kylie Jenner (24) off the podium. The reality star and founder of The Kylie Cosmetics earns $1,494,000 per post.

Kylie Jenner: The Most Followed Woman

Jenner has broken another new record for this: The 24-year-old is the first woman in Instagram history to have 300 million followers. After the “Astroworld” tragedy, in which ten people died while her partner Travis Scott (30) was on stage, she largely held back on social networks.

At the turn of the year she had again posted a picture of herself showing her pregnant. She wrote that the last year had given her a lot of headaches. “I will never forget the significant change this year brought to my life. I pray that the new year will be filled with lots of love and hope and I hope everyone stays safe and healthy during this time.”

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