ANA, second A380 first sunrise flight

On January 1, All Nippon Airways (ANA / NH) carried out the first sunrise flight to and from Narita by the two-story super-large Airbus A380 “FLYING HONU”. This is the second time that the A380 has been introduced, following last year, and the first blue aircraft (registration code JA381A) was used among all three aircraft.

ANA’s A380 first sunrise flight taking off from Narita Airport NH2030 flight=January 1, 2010 PHOTO: Tatsuyuki TAYAMA / Aviation Wire

The flight number is NH2030 flight, Runway A (RWY34L) at Narita Airport. Take off at 6 am. Watch the first sunrise over Komagane City from Ina City, Nagano Prefecture, pass from Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture to the Pacific Ocean, pass near Mikura Island in the Izu Islands, then head north, enter from Yamatake City, Chiba Prefecture, and slide A in Narita. I landed on the road (RWY34L) at 8:11 am.

Osechi-style lunch boxes and drinks are provided on board, desserts are served in first class, and financiers are served in business class. In addition to mugs and sweets as souvenirs, ANA’s original glove trotter amenity pouch was prepared for first class, an amenity kit in collaboration with Fred Seagull for business class, and Flying Honu’s eco bag for premium economy.

ANA’s first sunrise flight started in 2001. The A380 was used for departures and arrivals at Narita last year, and the first aircraft was also introduced. On December 27, ahead of New Year’s Eve, the exterior of the aircraft, which was 72.7 meters long, 79.8 meters wide, and 24.1 meters high, was cleaned by 15 people over 6 hours.

Wash the aircraft before the first sunrise flight. The article is here

11 photos (there was no in-flight coverage this year).

ANA’s A380 displayed on the departure information of Narita Airport First sunrise flight by NH2030=January 1, 2010 PHOTO: Tatsuyuki TAYAMA / Aviation Wire

According to ANA’s A380 taking off from Narita Airport First sunrise flight NH2030 flight=January 1, 2010 PHOTO: Tatsuyuki TAYAMA / Aviation Wire

) ANA’s A380 first sunrise flight NH2030 landing at Narita Airport=January 1, 2010 PHOTO: Tatsuyuki TAYAMA / Aviation Wire

ANA’s A380 first sunrise flight NH2030 landing at Narita Airport=January 1, 2010 PHOTO: Tatsuyuki TAYAMA / Aviation Wire

ANA’s A380 first sunrise flight NH2030 flight landed at Narita Airport=January 1, 2010 PHOTO: Tatsuyuki TAYAMA / Aviation Wire

NH2030 flight by ANA A380 heading to the spot at Narita Airport after the first sunrise flight=January 2010 1st PHOTO: Tatsuyuki TAYAMA / Aviation Wire


NH2030 flight by ANA A380 heading to the spot at Narita Airport after the first sunrise flight=January 1, 2010 PHOTO: Tatsuyuki TAYAMA / Aviation Wire

ANA’s A380 heading to the spot at Narita Airport after the first sunrise flight NH2030 flight=January 1, 2010 PHOTO: Tatsuyuki TAYAMA / Aviation Wire

NH2030 flight by ANA A380 heading to the spot at Narita Airport after the first sunrise flight=January 1, 2010 PHOTO: Tatsuyuki TAYAMA / Aviation Wire

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