Machico arrives with a single release commemorative talk & mini-live special program that talks about the new song “ENISHI” and the 10th anniversary of debut

Machico arrives with a single release commemorative talk & mini-live special program that talks about the new song “ENISHI” and the 10th anniversary of their debut

Provided by: OKMusic

Single “ENISHI” release commemorative talk & mini live special number supported by animelo mix
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Machico’s new single “ENISHI”, which is the opening theme of the TV anime “Fantasia Sango Magazine Tengen Reishinki”, will be released on January 12th. A talk & mini live special program to commemorate the release was held on January 10th.

In the first talk part, Director Anai will act as the facilitator and talk about the costumes of “ENISHI” and the songs. Regarding the song, “It was a magnificent ballad and bass song, so I was delighted to be able to sing such a song in a tie-up,” said Machico, director Anai of “Fantasia Sango Magazine”. During a meeting with the director, when I asked Machico to listen to “Everlasting Glory,” the director said, “This kind of Machico’s song is also wonderful,” and the song was such a magnificent finish. He told me the story behind the production.

It seems that it was difficult to sing, “Pre-pro” In the recording, the number 1 verses A and B had a small number of notes and I ran too much. The rhythm was exquisite, so I practiced a lot before the actual recording. ” The most difficult thing was that the sound of “Let’s draw” of the last chorus goes up, and it is said that the best take among various singing methods is recorded. Regarding the emotions in the song, “Imagine a world view where” Fantasia Sango “is magnificent and you get caught up in the gear of fate, and it’s frustrating that you have to watch over the loved one in the whirlpool. I put it in the song, so I want you to feel the shaking of your heart. ”

And the talk is “” of the coupling song. To the topic of “FORWARD”. Kenta Matsukuma, the music producer of BiSH, is in charge of composing this song, but he also directed it. I don’t want it, and I want you to take good care of the rhythm. The image is not guitar & vocals, but bass & vocals. ” He gave me.

“For Matsukuma-san’s song, (this) With the gentle lyrics of Yuriko Mori (who wrote the song even before), it became a song that was well-organized with newness and traditionalness. “I’m sure even unexpected treasures are waiting for you.” I liked the lyrics, and in 2021, more people knew me, but it was a frustrating time about three years after my debut, and I was depressed when I saw the success of the same period. When I saw it, even if I took a detour, I got the courage to link with myself that the treasure was waiting in an unexpected place. ”

Celebrating the 10th anniversary of debut in May of this year Macihco welcomes you. I will look back on the last 10 years in the talk. Her turning point was that she met Nippon Columbia and sang “fantastic dreamer”. “I was recognized as an artist by this song, and I saw the TV anime” Blessing this wonderful world! “Adopted as the theme song growing up close, so there is no such connection. I thought! ” Director Anai made the song in advance, and when he was thinking about who would sing it, he showed me the music video for “Mirai Rocket” and said, “I’m throwing stones into the sea as well as singing.” The form was wonderful and I really wanted him to sing. ”

Here, on May 22nd, It was announced that “Machico 10th Anniversary Live ~ Trajectory ~” will be held at Showa Women’s University Hitomi Memorial Hall, and a big applause will occur from the venue. The title has the meaning of a trajectory, and “I want to make it a live that looks back on my progress so far in the milestone year of the 10th anniversary,” Machico said with enthusiasm. In addition, we announced that we will release the best album in the spring! It is said that it will be an album that can look back on the history of the past, including songs commemorating the 10th anniversary, so please wait for the follow-up report.

After about an hour of talk part To mini live. After singing “fantastic dreamer”, which has been a singing song for a long time, he performed a cute “Kitto Chocolat” with Clap. The latter said, “There is an image of a love song that warms the heart despite the sadness of winter,” he said, but he chose the song in anticipation of Valentine’s Day next month, but the venue was also surrounded by warm air. From there, I will sing the two latest singles in quick succession. In “ENISHI”, the delicate expressive power of A and B melody and the sharpness of the powerful singing voice in the chorus were wonderful, and the long tone was also a masterpiece. “Muko Mizu Forward” was a singing voice that pierced through even with intense accompaniment, and sang a speedy rock number brilliantly. Machico sang a lot of 4 songs in the free distribution part, but an extra encore was also held for the audience at the venue and Nico Nico Douga Premium members. As it was a song related to the latest single writer, he sang “Zeal” and finally “Korekara” with a smile to conclude the event.

“Machico 10th Anniversary Live ~ Trajectory ~”
May 22 (Sun) Tokyo Showa Women’s University Hitomi Memorial Hall Open 16: 30 / Start 17:30 (planned)

Price: ¥ 7,500 (all seats reserved, tax included) Paid for 3 years old and over (No admission under 3 years old)
Check the guidelines Please purchase and visit above.
・ Machico official fan club “ZO ≒ NA” member precedent

Reception period: January 26th (Wednesday) -February 10th (Tuesday), 2022 Paid membership registration is required to apply.
・ Animelo mix member precedent
Reception period: February 17th (Thursday) to February 24th (Thursday), 2022
Paid membership registration is required to apply.
・ Machico free e-mail newsletter precedent
Reception period: February 25th (Friday) -March 4th (Friday), 2022
・ Play guide precedent Reception period: Scheduled for March 7, 2022

  • ・ General release
    Reception period: 2022 Saturday, March 26
  • Each URL Etc. will be announced later.

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