Zeng Wanting bent over and touched her legs and was shocked to vent her erogenous zones!Shyly shouting: not suitable for children

Zeng Guanting often shares the latest life situation on the community. (Retrieved from IG@vicky_7155)

[Instant News/Comprehensive Report] “Local drama goddess” Zeng Guanting has a large number of fans with her sweet appearance and devilish figure. She often shares moments of life with fans on the community. Yesterday (14th), she posted a hot and beautiful photo, attracting more than 30,000 people to like the pilgrimage .

Zeng Wanting was wearing a black dress with high slits and hips. She bent down and touched the sexy legs, showing off her slender arms and unscientific legs, still in the text Nifty said that because the shoes are too beautiful, he had to take pictures in this pose, “That…it’s not suitable for children, please turn the stage without a parent.”

After the photo was exposed, netizens’ eyes It’s too hot to call out with love. Artist Cai Changxian also left a message saying, “It’s so beautiful, sister,” and Zeng Guanting replied with a funny smile: “It’s so beautiful that even my younger brother appeared.” There are many people who directly Saying she was too foul, “How can she be so beautiful”, “You’re thin! I’m looking at your waist”, and some fans said humorously: “Just ask the goddess if she wants to force me to divorce my wife before I’m willing!”

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