CDMX prepares new rules for the operation of public markets

Public markets of Mexico City

Among the new measures proposed by the Government of Mexico City, the definitive cancellation of the registration card of the tenant who modifies or alters without authorization the electrical installation of the shops in order to avoid fires or any incident .

Camila Ayala Espinosa

Foto EE: Archivo

The Government of Mexico City prepares for this month new rules for the regulation and operation of the public markets of the capital of the country; Part of the modifications are intended to prevent fires , such as the one registered last November in the Sonora market.

At a press conference, the head of the Sedeco, Fadlala Akabani Hneide, explained that these modifications will be published in the Official Gazette of Mexico City. Among the new measures, the definitive cancellation of the registration card of the tenant who modifies or alters without authorization the electrical installation of the shops stands out.

It is very important to say, for the first time there will be this type of sanction. We have shared it with some tenants, some tenants agree, we cannot allow there to be more fires derived from this type of action or from overloads in the facilities of the different premises,” said the official.

Detailed that they have carried out a review work in these supply centers, where it has been found that there are electrical appliances that do not correspond to commercial activity and generate overload, such as refrigerators, freezers, stereos and televisions.

“They are precisely the ones that cause short circuits and subsequent fires. So, there will be sanctions in that sense for those who irresponsibly alter the electrical installation”, he said.

Our Secretary @FadlalaAkabani, presented at a press conference, the program for the Improvement of Public Markets for 2022, which includes a budget of more than 228 million pesos by #SEDECO that will be complemented with about 152 million pesos, by the mayors 1/2

— Secretariat of Economic Development (@SedecoCDMX) January 6, 2022

The owner of Sedeco reported that as a result of operations with the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE), in 2021, 2,934 risk points and 7,000 illicit connections were withdrawn in all public markets. residents of the city.


Fadlala Akabani announced that for fiscal year 2022, the Sedeco in co-investment with the mayors will allocate 380.8 million pesos for the attention of public markets, “ a figure that triples what was allocated in 2019 and the budget assigned to this item during the entire previous administration”. .

“The general total of the co-investment for the attention of the public markets of Sedeco and the mayors’ offices, accounting for 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022, stands at 1,345 million pesos, a figure that triples the budget allocated in the last administration, giving priority to projects to update electrical and hydro-sanitary installations for the safety of clients and bidders,” he said.


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